How to Help Build Your Child’s Fine Motor Skills

Fine motor skills are an important developmental skill needed for learning to write and many other tasks.
*One of the best things you can do to help your child build these skills is to write letters on pieces of paper throughout the week. This will not only teach them how to form words and letters but also increase their eye-hand coordination while they practise on paper.
*Another way you can help teach fine motor skills is by playing with Play-Doh. You should find a mold and make several copies of it. You can then take the Play-Doh out of the molds once you are finished and let your child practise making the same shapes or letters as you did.
*A few more games you can play are with stickers and crackers. All you have to do is get some stickers such as flowers, trees, or other shapes and place a few on a sheet of paper but have them spread out enough so that there’s some space between them. You can then use crayon or a colored marker to color the stickers. You can also play with crackers by hiding them in the shape of a star, square, rectangle, or triangle. You need to put one cracker in each square and then put more on top of them until you have a full star.
All of these activities will help teach your child to make letters and shapes. Muscular control in the hands is essential for everyday tasks including getting dressed, eating, and writing. These abilities fall under the category of fine motor skills.
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